Saturday, October 17, 2009


This Eule Vix!

I've been watching anime since I was around eight years old and I fell in love with it!

I've always wanted to be a writer and recently in my local anime I had to create a review for a anime, which afterward I was very highly complemented by the teacher hosting the college club.

I took it to heart and here I am!

I am usually constantly watching anime and I do what I call "Binges". These consist of me for either a day to even a week or more where I watch, read, and play anything connected to a anime that I can possible get my hands on.

This is what I shall do and when it comes to the review I will include many factors that I shall rate, including a "Worth Buying" rate. All ratings will be from 1 out of 10, one being the absolute worst and 10 being the absolute best. Please note though that I don't think that anything is perfect enough to get a ten so the highest I rate anything is a 9.

So with out further to do here is my blog of reviews and I hope you enjoy!

With much love for anime and you my reader,

~ Eule Vix

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